The application form can be found on the Lycée international Montebello’s website. You first have to sign up online following this link and then complete the application form, and email it to the lycée at this address: (or hand it in in person) before Wednesday 14th February 2024.
The admission tests take place in two stages:
- The written test lasts two hours and will take place on Wednesday 13th March 2024 this year. The test is in three parts; a Multiple-choice questionnaire of 40 questions on the English language followed by comprehension questions on a short excerpt from a novel and a piece of writing related to the excerpt.
There are no ”past papers” and we do not publish any, neither do we publish rankings or results whether of all or individual students. We do not want students ”cramming” and aim to make the whole experience as relaxed as possible for the young candidates who may be taking a formal test for the very first time
It is not an exam, but a selection test – unfortunately, we only have 48 places in Seconde. After the written test you will receive a letter either asking you to come to the oral exam on Wednesday 12th April or telling you that you have not been chosen.
- The oral exams for those candidates who have passed the written tests, will take place on Wednesday 10th April 2024.
Those students who have a good enough level in written English are called to a ten-minute interview in English with two teachers.
You will be shown a document (a visual one, such as a cartoon, a drawing, a photo etc.) to help get the conversation going.
We are not testing your knowledge of the document but checking whether you are at ease conversing in English. We also want to find out how motivated you are to join the section, whether you are prepared to work hard and whether you are interested in literature and history (in whatever language).
You have to be an avid reader to enjoy this section!